Kevin + Peishan
Somehow this Singaporean girl and this Hong Kong boy found their way to one another all the way across the world in New York.
Peishan, a news journalist, is from Singapore, but was working in New York when she met Kevin, who was working in New York as a computer programmer. Both of them arrived in New York in the same month in 2007, but only met each other 3 years later. They finally started dating about a year later in 2011, and tied the knot in 2014. They now split their time between Hong Kong and Singapore.
Their wedding at Nosh, Rochester Park was their third and final wedding celebration, having previously held their first two celebrations in Toronto and New York. Kevin and Peishan may have fallen in love in New York and had their wedding all over the world, but Singapore called them home eventually. And it was one of the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever experienced, lots of laughter, intricate handmade decoration, and a raucous party.
But of course a beautiful wedding isn’t enough if you don’t have the love of friends and family carrying you through the day and reminding you what this is all really about. Her best friends from her childhood were there, and of course her very tight family. Everyone there had nothing but love for them, and everyone could feel it. It was a weekend we all will always remember.
Thank you Kevin and Peishan for letting me be part of this beautiful occasion! I'm so happy for the both of you! Blessed Marriage to the both of you!